Process Mapping Methodology

Tagging Examples

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Tagging Examples
    Tagging Information
    Example 1
    Example 2


Tagging Sheet: How to fill it out?

The following information are requested by the tagging sheet.  The information collected by the tagging sheet will be entered into the Online Process Mapping Engine to produce a process map.  It is critical that the jobs that are tagged be treated the same as if they were not tagged.

The people filling out the tagging sheet only need to add an entry when they are performing a task to the job that has been tagged.  They will not need to include times that a job is waiting in Queue.  However, they should include entries where a job is moving to a queue/waiting area.

Note: This tagging sheet is intended to record the realtime of a process as it progresses.  Therefore, times such as overnight and weekends are inherently captured during the tagging sheet exercise.

General Information: Description:
Part: Part number or description of part that is being tagged.
Name: Company name conducting tagging exercise.
Tag Number: Tag number; keep track of which tagging sheets (if applicable)
Lot Size: Manufacturing lot size (if applicable).
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Process Information: Description:
Activity Name: Name and brief description of activity.
Lot #: Lot number: for future tracking purposes (if applicable).
Lot Size: Batch size of parts. (e.g. number of parts in a container)
Start Date: Start date of activity.
Start Time: Start time of activity.
End Date: End date of activity. Note: Please do not include extended breaks or overnight stops. If an activity takes 2 days, there should be 2 line entries. Remember that we want to record the real time for each step and activity. (Example) The program will account for any queue time between activities.
End Time: End time of activity.  Note: The operator should only record the time required to make one part.
Comments: Record any additional comments or concerns.

Example 1:

Department AAA will be running OP 10 (Job 0001).  Notice the lag times between the end date/time and the start date/time between each activity.  The lag time is the queue times between each activity.  Also note that only the time required to process one part is assigned to OP 10.  This is because after the part is processed, it has to wait for the other parts of the same job to be finished.  This waiting (queue time) should be counted as a Non-Value Unnecessary time.

                                            <Back to Top>
Activity Name
Start Date
Start Time
End Date
End Time
Setup Job0001
4 January, 1999
8:00 AM
4 January, 1999
9:00 AM
Setup Job 0001
OP 10 one piece (Job 0001)
4 January, 1999
9:30 AM
4 January, 1999
9:32 AM
2 minutes per part
Finish OP 10
4 January, 1999
9:35 AM
4 January, 1999
1:00 PM
Finish Job 0001
Move to Storage
4 January, 1999
1:30 PM
4 January, 1999
1:35 PM

Example 2:

A certain part (Job 0002) requires two operations (OP10, OP 20).  After OP 10, the parts are moved to a WIP storage area before OP 20 is performed.

Tagging Sheet Information:

                                            <Back to Top>
Activity Name
Start Date
Start Time
End Date
End Time
Setup OP 10; Job 0002
8 January, 1999
8:00 AM
8 January, 1999
9:30 AM
Setup OP 10
Process one piece (OP 10)
8 January, 1999
9:35 AM
8 January, 1999
9:37 PM
2 minutes per part
Wait for Lot
8 January, 1999
9:38 AM
8 January, 1999
12:00 PM
Finish OP 10
Move to Storage
8 January, 1999
12:15 PM
8 January, 1999
12:20 PM
Move to WIP area
Setup Job0005; operation 2
12 January, 1999
8:00 AM
12 January, 1999
8:30 AM
Setup operation 2
Process parts (Job 0005) op2
12 January, 1999
8:45 AM
12 January, 1999
8:48 AM
3 minutes per part
Wait for Lot
12 January, 1999
8:50 AM
12 January, 1999
12:00 PM
Finish Job 0002

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